Saturday, April 6, 2013

Figuring it all out one day at a time

Yoga helps with the posture but the never ending self awareness get's old. I am much too boring. And the constant checking in is prone to provoke complaints. If it was all good then what would I need it for? But it isn't and so it begins, head - is it straight, or is it leaning left like it does from time to time? Torso - long? could be longer - yes? uh oh, too much length, upper back is whining..
and it goes on and on

Swimming is just plain fun but its hard to see improvements. Seeing as it's only been a couple of months I think maybe I should give it a little more time.
Crossfit/weight lifting - easy to over do it, easy to get hurt but boy oh boy does it rock!
Spin class - like crossfit, just need to find one that works with the schedule

Missing crossfit
Lifting heavy weights, deadlifts
Pullups - really would like to do some once more
kettlebells - nifty workout tools